kaupunkigreyn elämää

greyhound Taran ja ihmisten seikkailuja arjessa

Friday, June 12, 2009

Birthday girl

Her royal highness turns six today!

Monday, June 01, 2009

Summertime, and the living is easy...

My first picnic this summer (Tervasaari park).
Female human took me swimming to the dog beach.
It took me a while to appreciate the gesture.
(A real lady never rushes to water.)

We met two of my friends, spanish greyhounds Chai
(posing next to my trendy bald thighs)...
...and Chanel, who really enjoys the weather now.
(She has quite recently moved to Finland.)
It's hard work to mingle with other skinny hounds.
Thankfully the male human remembered my blanket.
Fortunately, I didn't have to walk home.
Greymobile is all set up for the summer!